by Kelly Smith, Star Tribune Credit: CC0 Public Domain
An Minnesota nonprofit leader hopes to "revolutionize" charitable giving with a new platform for people to trade household items they no longer need, resulting in a donation to a nonprofit. He "essentially created money out of nothing; out of a paperclip, he got a house," Ackerman said. After seeing a church passing around a bucket to collect spare change and cash to buy a new air conditioner, Wall launched 4Giving so organizations could share a QR code for donors to give online. We need to find a way to energize and add fuel into the whole (philanthropic) ecosystem. "It's a really innovative solution both for the community and for nonprofits," Schmid said. Ackerman is paying the fees and costs to run RedLadder out of his own pocket, he said, but he hopes to eventually draw a salary and pay for employees with a portion of the trade sales. The content is provided for information purposes only.
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