I designed the 'SecureLoginSystem' database to ensure a robust and secure user management system. The structure allows for unique identification of each user and securely stores passwords using the 'password_hash' function. The'sessions' table is used to manage user sessions securely, storing the 'created_at' and 'last_activity' timings.
The OTP Verification tool allows users to verify the validity of a user's OTP before sending it to the dashboard. The dashboard shows a welcome message and a logout link to the user's account. The user can then log out of the dashboard using the logout button.'s John Sutter reports on the latest news from the White House. Sutter: "The White House is in a state of flux" Sutter says the administration is trying to figure out how to get the Whitehouse back on track. The White House says it's working on a plan to get back on the road.