Migration patterns in the Western Hemisphere shift continuously, but since 2019 the volume of migration, the origin countries of migrants and their mode of entry into the United States have changed radically. The 10 million to 11 million people who make up the bulk of the undocumented population were in the United States before that change, most arrived either crossing the border undetected or overstaying visas, and they are not legally able to apply for work permits. ) hosted a briefing on Capitol Hill to tout the benefits of granting EADs to larger groups of undocumentedThe Biden administration has made aggressive use of TPS, which allows for nationals of a designated country who are in the United States to remain and work legally while their home country is in crisis and remains designated. And they are calling on the administration to use the president’s power to grant parole to foreign nationals — essentially clear their immigration record — to benefit long-term workers. In their letter Wednesday, the legislators took a collaborative approach, asking the Biden administration to use existing authorities to expand EADs.