He, and the rest of the board, see the new center as a reflection of what makes the south-central Kentucky region unique. (WBKO) - In continuing plans to bring a new branch of the Kentucky Science Center to Bowling Green, board members of the center hosted their quarterly meeting at the Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce and toured various destinations throughout the city. Chairman of the board, David Tandy, stressed that the expansion will not be a duplicate of what is already found in their Louisville flagship location. Through the visit and tour, Kentucky Science Center CEO, Mike Norman, hopes to discover what makes the region unique and what will set the new expansion apart from its flagship location in Louisville. “Just getting, really, more of a feel for the environment and the space instead of actually looking at site selections. ”Pending the results of those continued conversations, Norman hopes to have a location, construction timeline, and budget for the new center ready by the end of the year. It’s one thing to say you love the idea and you love the concept, it’s another thing to put some skin in the game and be committed to it,” Tandy said. “We’re in the process now of trying to firm up some of those commitments, you know?What type of funding will we be able to receive?In the coming months, officials with the Kentucky Science Center will continue to meet with county and city officials to finalize important agreements before moving forward.