Donating to your child's school might not be at the top of your list. With so much poverty, homelessness, broken homes, donating to these types of causes may be more worthwhile. By donating to your school, you'll be added to a list of donors.
If you donate above a certain threshold, which varies by school, you might get invited to special events. Schools often like to recognize donors, with teachers noticing these acknowledgments in newsletters or donor lists.
As a parent, you might feel hesitant to bring up your child’s mistreatment to their teacher or the other parent. After 25 years of being frugal, I've found it difficult to spend on myself. As part of my quest to decumulate wealth, my goal is to donate more.
School boards provide governance and strategic oversight to ensure the school’s long-term success. Although board positions are unpaid, they boost your status within the school community. Serving on the board is a sign that you have expertise, connections, and financial influence.
Long-time donors may give their children an edge in admissions. Social status can be even more important for children than it is for adults. There is no quid pro quo for receiving donations if a child is admitted with a wink wink.
As a middle schooler in Kuala Lumpur, the coolest kids were often the wealthiest. My parents were U.S. Foreign Service Officers. By regularly donating to your child’s school, you may also cultivate a culture of giving in your children.
As you get older, you'll likely think more about your legacy. Donating to your children's school is one way to ensure it endures for years to come. You can spread your donation commitment over several years.
Not every parent can donate thousands of dollars each year to their child’s school. Parents should give at a level they feel comfortable with. If you feel stretched financially, consider attending a fundraiser dinner or event.
If you prefer not to receive much recognition for your donations, you can always donate anonymously or have your name listed as “Anonymous.” Volunteering offers a great way to stay involved and build connections with other parents and school staff.
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