Limiting this list to only ten games was no easy endeavor as this is such a broad category. To help myself out, I’ve stuck to games that use what I”d consider true deck building. Excluded are: deck construction where players create their deck before the game.
This game takes the concepts found in Star Realms and gives us more interesting decisions to make. In this two-player head-to-head, one player will take on the role of the Empire and the other the Rebels. After each mini-game, you can use the value of your played cards to purchase new, more powerful cards.
In this game you’re building a deck of, yes, cattle. Add to this a pile of unlockable upgrades and end-game scoring objectives and you have a euro-meets-deck builder. Star Trek: Frontiers players are boldly exploring as they draw tiles.
This game is like a dance (or maybe a crysknife duel) that keeps you on your toes. I was not a Dune fan prior to playing this game and didn't feel heavily drawn to the theme. Sometimes with a game, it’s just love at first play.