I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this—what's one game that you think is super overrated? You know, the kind everyone talks about, but when you played it, you just didn't get the hype. What game didn't live up to the buzz for you?
Fair enough and I guess more power to you for not slogging through something you don't like! I tend to succumb to the sunk cost fallacy and force myself to finish.
Portal. I finally went to try and play it after seeing all the praise and memes about it for years. The humor didn't do it for me and I spent the whole time just hoping it would end.
I applaud the opinion! This is a really hot take! It was groundbreaking puzzle game that defined a whole generation of gamers. It's also been far enough out that it might be suffering from the "Seinfeld is unfunny" where it was so overexposed that now it's boring.